Safety and Security: NRRP 4.0 transition in Italy

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan Industry 4.0is a compelling incentive for companies. The concept is simple: tax breaks in echange for upgrading all technologies, including Safety and Security solutions.
With the latest NRRP program update these incentives have undergone a considerable boost.
Organizations that need to improve their security tools, including control rooms and incident management platforms, can leverage this program to better the protection of their people, assets, and business continuity.
Industry 4.0: incentives for technological transformation
The stimulus for the NRRP 4.0 plan (2016) comes from the awareness, emphasized by the European Commission, of macroeconomic imbalances in the Italian territory. The goal was to encourage a digital and technological transformation.
These upgrades include changes in security systems and the modernization of control rooms modernization, to ensure a company's safety and security.
In 2017 the government introduced other types of intervention, to encourage SMEs to join the technological and digital transformation process. Some examples include Training 4.0 tax credit, refinancing and implementation of Development Contracts and Innovation Agreements.
With the approval of the 2020 Budget Law, the Italian Government leveraged European Next Generation EU (NGEU) stimulus program and introduced new forms of support:
1. Tax Credits
The 4.0 Transition Plan reorganizes the tax breaks on a multi-year basis. The main actions are the following:
• Investments in capital goods
• Investments in research, development, innovation and design
• Investment in training 4.0
• Investment in structural assets, 4.0 training, research and development.
2. Investments in Capital Goods: Control Rooms and Incident Management Platform
The concessions are available to companies in the Italian territory that invest in new goods, materials and software for their technological and digital transformation. All Italian companies, including permanent establishments of non-resident entities, can use the incentive. It is necessary that the applicant company:
- comply with the safety regulations in the workplace
- pay social security and welfare contributions for its employees
Capital goods, such as incident management platforms or other physical and personal security technologies, are subject to financing and can be summarized as follows:
- functional assets for the technological and digital transformation according to the Industry 4.0 model, provided for in Annex A of Law 232/2016.
- new intangible assets instrumental to business operations, provided for in Annex B of Law 232/2016, ie software, systems, platforms, applications.
The big change from the previous reform is in the intangible assets (previously included only in the case of aid for the integration of machinery in the field). This change denotes a marked initiative to use software and platforms to make industrial production processes more efficient.
This incentive is part of the increasingly topical theme of security 2.0 from a Control Room perspective. SMEs now have the opportunity to invest in their safety using professional software suites for controlling the field infrastructure.
NRRP: Building your own Control Room
Choosing what to include in your control room in the design phase is vital. Each organization has its own peculiarities and systems, which must be considered to evaluate their correct integration.
Beta 80 Group's Control 1st platform can harmoniously integrate with any pre-existing technology, with cutting-edge innovation and a control dashboard that improves the safety & security ecosystem.
Navigating the legislation to fully leverage the NRRP, updating old tools and purchasing others is key. Control 1st fully meets the criteria included in the PNRR.
Our experts are available to help in your digitization process and
Suggest how to include the platform within the purchasing plan.
Provide guidance on the opportunities offered by the reform.
With a thirty-year legacy in the emergency / urgency world of Public Safety, Beta 80 Group can leverage its know-how to the private Control Room world.