Business Protection: the role of Control Rooms in safety and security processes

In recent years, the Security and Safety sector has undergone a profound Digital Transformation. This has allowed organizations to increase their ability to carry out actions to prevent and mitigate risks, with the aid of control rooms in charge of managing corporate security processes.
This innovative shift has happened mostly in complex organizations, where security and Business Protection are a critical success factor; a strategic asset necessary to guarantee business development and continuity. Indeed, safety, productivity and growth are deeply correlated.
Control Room: prevent and solve with the right software
Therefore, companies and organizations have begun to see technology as a great ally in the management and resolution of a crisis, a decisive tool for knowing and interpreting what is happening, to support the decision-making processes, to act promptly and effectively to prevent and solve.
Technology provides a multitude of information to intercept, describe, and classify events that can have significant impacts on the organization. But information alone is not enough. It is necessary to correlate the data coming from the different sources to interpret reality and provide the most appropriate answer.
The great challenge is, in fact, being able to correlate, interpret and choose the most useful information to understand what is really happening, to ensure timely, effective, and efficient intervention. A Control Room with state-of-the-art software is the best tool to answer this need.
Business Protection: manage and prevent incidents
The two main objectives of Business Protection are:
- Mitigation: Minimize the direct and indirect consequences of an incident, favoring and supporting the resolution phases.
- Prevention: Minimize incidents through a solid prevention.
Therefore, the final analysis phase is as important as the intervention itself.
The richness and completeness of the analysis, in fact, feeds the strategic processes that improve and modify all event management phases, to increase the ability to prevent a critical event.
In addition, a structured communication of KPIs of the events to the stakeholders actively contributes to increasing the awareness and culture of safety inside and outside the organizations.
Beta 80 Group at the service of Business Protection
Beta 80 Group has been working in the Public Safety market for over 25 years, as the main player in the development of software solutions for the management of Emergency Operations Centers and Public Safety Answering Points.
For this reason, aware that its know-how is a value to be shared on the private market, we have designed and developed Control 1st, a software solution capable of creating a single ecosystem for the management and to end of Business Protection.