Safety & Security: key elements of an Incident Management Platform

Unified data management technologies for business continuity and safety & security are evolving. These technologies change the way we produce and live, digitalizing businesses, services and cities and increasing companies and public administrations' performance.
First introduced by government organizations and then adopted in the private sector, especially in highly regulated industries such as factories, financial services, healthcare, transport, and land monitoring, these technologies simplify and accelerate a holistic view of the infrastructure.
They do so by converging and sharing data from different ecosystems, such as safety, security, and industrial and civil automation. This trend will peak in the next three to five years, leading organizations to adopt technologies that leverage their infrastructure investments and plan for the short and medium future.
Control Room 4.0: why you need a holistic platform
Ideally, all devices should be enabled for the Internet Protocol (IP) to digitally interact with the organizations’ IT networks. This lets natively homogeneous elements to be submitted to a centralized control system, improving safety and productivity, through unified management at the origin.
The reality is much different; hardware is still behind; around 70% of CCTV cameras are still analog. Also, a company might acquire other entities: this involves the merging of technologies from one company to the other. Even if one achieved system standardization, without a holistic data unification platform, communication is impossible, making management expensive and highly prone to operational errors.
The Control Room 4.0 concept solves all these problems; it supports a unified platform with a single solution, overlapping different systems in diverse infrastructures, whether delegated to logical and physical security, IT, telecommunications, or automation.
Data from each system are acquired through specific adapters, created through an IoT industrial model, always updated, breaking down the traditional correlation barriers arising from the presence of legacy equipment.
Incident Management: why you need a holistic view for decision making
Beta 80 Group developed a real-time holistic decision support system to collect, integrate, analyze, and visualize data on all company resources. The aim is to automatically check business continuity and provide services for the management of security incidents, emergencies, or repairs: the Control Room 4.0.
Technological principles for a solid Incident Management Platform
Which elements and principles must an Incident Management Platform be built on? What supports the correct correlation and management of pre-existing devices and processes?
Adoption of Deep Learning models as specific decision support tools vertically trained and implemented. The production, correlation, and homogenized centralization of a significant amount of data by the Incident Management Platform, combined with modern and increasingly available processing capacity, simplifies and improves business continuity control processes, regardless of the scope of application.
Massive use of Cloud Computing, more and more consolidated in the public and private sectors. The increase of connected devices through the IoT and the proportional growth of generated data highlight the need to dematerialize the physical IT resources to make their corresponding management and treatment sustainable, otherwise unviable in terms of investments in IT infrastructures and bandwidth. Control 1st adopts the latest generation industrial IoT models, involving FOG / EDGE computing models (or marginal processing). These models, natively implemented, solve performance problems due to the poor quality of telecommunications networks, processing the data very close to the point where they are collected by the sensors and before their transfer to a Data Center.
Personal Data Management: in 2018 was a key year for data privacy. The EU GDPR regulated the methods of collection, storage, sharing and use of personal information (including video surveillance). Control 1st natively prepared for personal data management in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, facilitating B2B or B2C loyalty relationships.
Cybersecurity: business continuity must include IT security solutions. The complexity and sensitivity of the technological infrastructures led us to create a Platform that eliminates vulnerabilities, such as those in Supply Chain or Asset Management, where lack of good security practices or deliberate malicious actions lead to serious repercussions on the software and hardware operations.
Industry 4.0: the solution must full comply with the requirements of the industry 4.0 legislature. These relate to remote maintenance, diagnosis, control, and monitoring, to conduct and monitor the conditions or process parameters and any shutdown in the event of anomalies. that prevent its operation from taking place.
Control 1st: Beta 80 Group's Incident Mastery Platform
Control 1st is specifically designed to:
Integrate different systems in a single, centralized interface
adopt architectural flexibility to cover multiple physical locations
Homogenize technologies
Adopt a capacity for horizontal and vertical expansion and adaptation
Optimize procedures for the response to incidents