Dynatrace is one of the best solutions for monitoring according to the authoritative opinion of Gart...
Monitoring finance today is made necessary by the disruption introduced by Digital Transformation. T...
Over the last year, the rules of e-commerce logistics have been rewritten. The pandemic and the need...
The National Response Center of the Italian Red Cross (CRI) has a new software suite to support citi...
Every action comes with a risk and this truth encompasses every area of business. This is why risk a...
In February 2020, Italy was the first country in Europe to come into contact with Covid19. The pande...
If you attended the yearly EENA Conference and Exhibition, you know it is the place to be for Emerge...
An efficient vehicle positioning is extremely important for emergency response. AREU, the Regional E...
The years of Covid-19 set a milestone in history and in the world economy.