If in the world of Safety & Security the use of drones supports stakeholders in the Situational ...
Civil Protection (2)
Social media are a useful means of communication for Civil Protection, especially in the management ...
Established in 2001 by the European Commission, the EU Civil Protection Mechanism has always played ...
In the world of Safety & Security, the use of remotely piloted aircraft systems, known as drones...
Leveraging social media in large emergencies is now standard practice. It started in 2008 when Myspa...
The Civil Protection manages a complex set of tools and resources to deal with large emergency situa...
Large emergency management is characterized by the intervention of heterogeneous agencies and entiti...
Of all natural hazards, earthquakes are considered to bring the greatest number of victims and econo...
The Civil Protection agency is responsible for safeguarding the integrity of life, assets, resources...