Implementing an emergency PSAP: best practices

Four emergency management Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) ready in four months: it is one of the most important projects completed by Beta 80 Group, thanks to its Emergency and Crisis Management teams and customizable CAD software. capable of adapting flexibly to the contexts and needs of each territory.
The following PSAPs were set up in record time: 112 PSAP in Liguria and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, the II level emergency medical PSAP in Friuli-Venezia Giulia and the Emergency Medical PSAP in Albania. All this was possible thanks to an important coordination work, which guaranteed the highest quality of service.
The four projects
- 112 Liguria: covers an area of 5,422 km2, with a total population of 1,600,000 in the provinces of Imperia, Savona, Genoa and La Spezia.
- EMS Albania: covers an area of 28,748 km² and a population of nearly 3 million. The PSAP is the first for the Albanian territory, which previously was not equipped with an emergency response center.
- 112 Friuli-Venezia Giulia: covers an area of 7 845 km², which includes the provinces of Udine, Pordenone, Gorizia and Trieste with over 1,200,000 people.
- 118 Friuli-Venezia Giulia: covers the same numbers and population as the above 112 PSAP, brought together four different PSAP in the area in a single center, standardizing the response model.
The construction of PSAP had different strategies and methodologies, varying according to the regional characteristics and procedures. The Albanian PSAP was an important challenge: the Beta 80 Group team also took care of the construction and set up of the premises, including the installation of the hardware.
Each PSAP was developed by closely working with institutional and private partners: the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Albania, the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region, the Liguria Region, SUEM, SIS, AREU and the Civil Protection.
Although the PSAP's technical implementation was carried out in only a few months, the design started much earlier and was divided into conversations with the institutions and bodies in charge, in order to develop the correct strategy and analyze the most suitable solution for the individual territory, taking into account the needs and resources available.