Stockager®: multiple needs, one software

Increasing efficiency, minimizing errors, speeding up storage and picking operations are just some of the benefits offered by using a warehouse management software (WMS) in the logistics sector.
A fundamental feature of the latter is the minimum need for customization, meaning the ability - in its standard version - to meet the needs of different customers without developing ad hoc functions. Stockager®, Beta 80 Group's WMS for traditional warehouses, answers precisely to these needs. It is a single software offering different functions, capable of responding to multiple needs and integrating with heterogeneous systems.
Stockager®: what it is and how it works
Stockager®, the WMS signed by Beta 80 Group and designed for traditional warehouses, provides complete traceability of every single item along the path within the warehouse, support for operators in all movements and maximum efficiency.
Suitable both for integration with existing systems and to be built from scratch, Stockager® is a WMS that meets the needs of individual structures and those distributed throughout the area, with sizes ranging from five to one hundred and fifty users.
Among the distinctive features of the product, we find, for example, the picking efficiency. Stockager® can identify the best picking method based on both the product category and the type of warehouse. In the case of e-commerce, for example, we talk about massive picking and fanning: the system arranges the simultaneous picking of products belonging to the same category, but pertaining to different orders, to make the process more efficient, and only subsequently organizes them into divisions.
Stockager® comes with several modules, among which the customer can choose according to their needs:
- RFID(Radio frequency Identification): it contains the functions for managing the products inside the warehouse. RFID technology consists in the addition to pallets or on the items themselves of a "smart label", allowing the identification of each single object uniquely through specific IDs. The label can also be written: this means useful information can be added to any item or pallet.
RTLStechnology (Real Time Locating System): allows the location of pallets through geo-referenced coordinates and thus eliminates the reading of barcodes, creating a real 3D warehouses.
Voice Picking: allows the management of movements via audio and allows the operator to work hands-free, saving time and minimizing errors.
Light Picking: these are three modules characterized by the presence of a light signal guiding picking and fanning operations, defining groupage and managing multi-order trolleys. Specifically: Pick to Light (dedicated to direct picking), Put to Light (for fanning after massive picking), and Immediate Put to Light (for direct multiple picking with equipped trolleys).
Carrier Manager: allows a connection between the management system and the courier systems in use. The system thus becomes more simple, more integrated and transparent. The module deals with the transcoding of the values from the specifications of each different delivery system and produces the necessary documents for the send.
A single software to meet multiple needs
Stockager® presents itself as the most modern technology in the supply chain sector for the management of the traditional warehouse. That is why, in addition to the various modules described, its standard version offers different specifications, making it suitable for countless needs and commercial categories.
On-premise and cloud installations
Stockager® can be managed on-premise and in the cloud. This is made possible by a web-based system allowing remote and simultaneous installations in different parts of the world, with direct control over the warehouses and with the possibility of maintaining servers on the Italian territory. In August 2020, for example, Beta 80 Group completed a simultaneous completely remotely installation of the WMS in Bologna, Hong Kong and New York by passing the difficulties caused by the lockdown.
Multilingual System
The settings of the software cover all world languages, according to the needs of the company or country of reference. The possibility of adding different alphabets, from Cyrillic to Hebrew, is consequently added to the possibility of setting the writing direction from right to left. The multilingual function was recently used for the realization of large logistics projects in Russia and Tel Aviv, for example. Using the target language instead of English as a lingua franca facilitates the understanding and use of the WMS by professionals, minimizing errors and accelerating the training period on the platform.
Coverage of large market sectors
From e-commerce to 4.0 warehouses, together with more traditional structures, Stockager® standard version not only can cover different types of physical structures, but can also to adapt to different product categories and market sectors. The WMS is also at the forefront in the management of dark stores: stores closed to the public, which act as picking warehouses and where the exclusive access of the employees of the structure is provided, in order to pick up the products requested by customers- no need to resort to customizations.
Finally, regardless of the type of warehouse, it allows inventory with open doors, without the need to interrupt operational work.
Extension for automatic warehouses and distribution centers
Stockager® is the only WMS capable of integrating and covering automation within mixed warehouses. The advantage, in terms of costs and performance, is given by the management of the various warehouse components through the same software, without the need for external additions and adaptations.
The software is also able to perfectly integrate different technologies, facilitating the introduction of cutting-edge systems within the warehouse.
Android Interface
The Stockager® App, sensitive to new market trends, already provides for the possibility of using radiofrequency terminals with an Android interface. As an operating system, it gives the operators images representing the products to be taken, facilitating their identification, directly on their smartphones.
Stockager® differs in the WMS sector precisely for its high ability to meet the most diverse needs, providing customer-friendly software without the need for customization. Stockager® technology is, in fact, sensitive to innovations and market needs, but also strong in a standard version already designed to fully satisfy the needs of companies and players in the supply chain.