Smart Remote Working: the benefits offered by the Cloud

Smart Remote Working is a way of operating that is characterized by flexibility and autonomy in the choice of spaces and times. Away from the office, the employee works for objectives and experiences a more efficient work-life balance. However, to make a company and its workers truly "smart operating", adequate technological infrastructures are essential to support and make agile work carried out remotely really effective. Cloud Computing plays a fundamental role in this sector.
Cloud Computing: why it is essential for a true Smart Remote Working
Although Italian companies have had to adapt to new ways of working following the Covid-19 emergency to talk about Smart Remote Working and take advantage of its benefits, a general adaptation of the technological infrastructure to new and more complex needs is crucial. A laptop and an Internet connection are not enough to be “smart” - you need to have the right tools to be able to do your job at 360 degrees, without limits deriving from not being physically in the office.
A fundamental contribution in this sense is offered by the Cloud Computing tools. The Cloud, the so-called "IT cloud", constitutes a new way of working in which it is possible to access information, store data, work in a team, using software and hardware resources remotely viewed according to the Client-Server architecture and available on request.
The use of these tools, together with a radical change of mentality, is now essential in order to transform simple remote working into real Smart Remote working.
Cloud Computing offers countless benefits not only to the individual employee but also to the entire company, increasing the efficiency of processes and reducing hardware costs.
The benefits of Cloud Computing
Among the main advantages offered by the Cloud we can find:
The use of the Cloud allows rapid adaptation to work peaks without impacting the user experience. Also, the worker can adapt its use to their needs by customizing the applications and accessing data from anywhere, through the Internet.
The ability to easily and quickly find information and materials in the Cloud, without the need to go to the office, allows the employee to carry out their duties without limits due to remote working. The data is accessible from any device and, thanks to network backups, any hardware malfunctions do not cause losses. Finally, Cloud Computing uses remote resources, thus reducing the costs of additional servers and equipment.
A better collaboration
The use of Cloud Computing platforms facilitates collaboration and teamwork. Every member, wherever he is, can access data and modify files in real-time. Furthermore, the various messaging and video call platforms allow you to stay in contact with an agile and more direct way than emails.
Faced with a real ability to adapt to the philosophy of Smart Remote Working, made up of flexibility and work by objectives, workers can really exploit its full potential, improving the methods of collaboration, precisely through the Cloud. Working remotely in "smart" mode, therefore, far from translating into "isolation", favors team working and can strengthen team-building skills.
Data protection
Corporate data and networks can be protected through constant backups and Disaster Recovery systems. In the event of loss or malfunction of a laptop, for example, the Cloud Computing tools can be used both to delete data from the PC and to ensure access to the data itself, regardless of the device used.
Smart Remote Working and Cloud Computing have a strong impact on mobility. An on-site presence is no longer necessary, thanks to the use of tools that allow work to be managed from anywhere without having to travel. The reduction in travel has an impact not only on the life of the worker in terms of time-saving but also on pollution and traffic due to daily home-to-work trips. The company also has the opportunity to physically reduce its spaces through an Open Working system, with the elimination of offices and fixed places and the adoption of a room and desk booking system.
Smart Remote Working, therefore, cannot do without updated Cloud Computing tools able to respond to the new needs of the labor market.
These are accompanied by a real change in vision both from the point of view of processes and from that of the company organization. According to the latest results from the Cloud Transformation Observatory of the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano, for example, the Cloud proved to be the best ally of companies during the pandemic, upsetting the dynamics of the Italian market, which exceeded 3.34 billion with a growth of + 21%.